How do I try your free trial?

SocialPlus is one of the few in the industry that offers a free trial to new eligible users. After trying our free trial, we hope you'll join the ranks of our tens-of-thousands satisfied, returning customers who see the benefits we provide and happily pay for our services.

To claim your $5 in free credits, follow these easy steps:

  1. Sign Up: First, create a free SocialPlus account to access our dashboard and full features. It's quick, free, and only needs to be done once.
  2. Request Credits: Reach out to our customer success team to request the free credits. You can use these credits to pay for any of our services if your balance allows.
  3. Manual Review: Your request will be manually reviewed to prevent misuse. If you're eligible, the credits will be added to your SocialPlus account balance, usually within a couple of hours.

We urge you not to abuse this offer! Any attempts to create multiple accounts or misuse our free trial will result in a permanent block on our networks. To continue using our services after the free trial, simply add funds. 😉 

🚫 Your account may NOT be eligible for the $5 free credits if:

  • You're using a VPN or proxy.
  • You've registered with a temporary email.
  • Your account has minimal to no activity.
  • Regrettably, we cannot offer our free trial in countries where we frequently detect abuse.

✅ What to do if you're ineligible:

If you haven't received a confirmation email about your free trial within a few hours, we kindly ask you to add funds to use our services.

Afterward, you can contact us again to receive the $5 in free credits. Thank you for your understanding.

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