Why was my payment rejected/cancelled?

On rare occasions, some may experience having their payment declined. There can be a number of reasons for this. Here are some of the common reasons:

  • Insufficient funds on the card.
  • You did not complete the 3DS (3D Secure) verification step, which prevents and reduces fraud.
  • Your bank rejected the transaction for security reasons, exceeding card limits or similar.
  • The chosen payment method may have withheld your payment for a manual review if it has a high probability of being fraudulent.

Note: Keep in mind that your issue may be unrelated to the above.

What can I do? Contact the consumer support of the payment method in question first. If they are unable to help, you can try contacting your bank (card issuer) for more details. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the payment method and/or your bank, kindly contact us for additional help.

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