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Getting started Do you have any questions about SocialPlus? This is a good place to start.
Orders Good things to know before and after placing orders.
Billing & Payments Adding funds, acceptable payment methods, and more billing-related questions.
My account Do you have questions related to your SocialPlus account?
Do you have a free trial?

Yes! We’re one of the few that provide a free trial. Eligible new users can claim $5.00 in free credits—no credit card required!

We do this because we are confident in our quality–unlike most of our so-called competitors. Once you’ve tried us risk-free, we look forward to welcome you among our thousands of satisfied, repeat customers who see the value we provide and gladly pay.

Abuse of this offer (e.g., creating multiple accounts) will result in a permanent block from our networks.

How do I try your free trial?

If you are a new user, you can follow these easy steps to try us risk-free before adding funds:

  • 1. Sign Up: Create a free SocialPlus account to access our dashboard and full features. It's quick, free, and only needs to be done once.
  • 2. Request Credits: Click on the chat-icon and start a new conversation. Next, choose “Getting started” and then “I want to claim the free trial” and follow the easy steps.
  • 3. Manual Review: Our team reviews each free trial request to prevent misuse.

That's it! If you're eligible, the free credits will be added to your account balance, usually within a couple of hours.

Why choose SocialPlus?

Choosing SocialPlus should be an easy choice. Our team has over 10 years of experience combined. We have been involved with Instagram ever since its launch in 2011 and YouTube all the way back in 2010—and later TikTok.

This means that we have an extensive understanding of how their algorithms have changed through the years and what it takes to rank and grow on these platforms today. But don’t just take our word for it—see what our customers have to say.

How does buying engagement help me?

Engagement such as likes, views, and comments are all important metrics that algorithms apply when deciding where to show content in feeds, searches, and suggestions.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the different factors to growth on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube before ordering from us. You can then combine these best practices with our high quality promotions, which enables you to grow faster.

Do you need my password?

No, we will never ask for your social media login details. As long as you only use SocialPlus, your account and content stay secure, with zero risk of bans. Unlike others, we prioritize safety and use only the safest promotion methods.

Is SocialPlus the cheapest option?

We’re not aiming to be the cheapest, and there’s a good reason for that. Cheap services often mean low-quality and risky promotion methods, which lead to poor results—like losing all followers or views just hours, or days later.

At SocialPlus, we concentrate solely on providing the highest-quality services and support at fair, affordable rates.

Compared to costly options like paid ads, our services are incredibly budget-friendly—up to 20-30x less expensive!

Many of our customers even combine SocialPlus with paid ads to maximize their impact while saving big. That’s why we’re a trusted choice for growing your online presence.

Can you get banned for buying engagement?

No, you won't be banned for buying followers, views, likes, or other engagement from a trusted provider like SocialPlus.

We use only the safest promotion methods and never ask for your password. This means that anyone can buy engagement for any public profile or post—including yours.

Think about it: If Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube banned or shadow-banned accounts for buying views, likes, and engagement, everyone would just buy these for their competitors to get rid of them. This won't happen.

Does content quality still matter for growth?

Yes, and it always will! People decide to engage with content and follow someone for a reason. You always need to focus on making your content valuable and relevant for your target audience in order to keep growing.

If you are able to do this, buying engagement will help take your growth to the next level a lot faster than otherwise possible.

How do you deliver real, safe promotions?

We have the highest-quality promotion networks in the industry. Our focus is always on quality and retention rates – not the cheap, low-quality promotions that vanish days later as most of our so-called competitors deliver.

When you place an order, it’s instantly processed and shared across these networks, allowing real users to engage with your profile and content. It’s important to note that we have no control over these users, this is why our services are safe and effective, and have been for over 10 years now!

What is your refund policy?

If for any reason we’re unable to complete your order, we’ll refund your credits back to your SocialPlus account in full or partially, based on our terms of use and our 30-days-guarantee. This way, you can easily resolve any issue and try again, risk-free.

Still need an answer?

Customer Stories

Are you curious to hear what some of our customers have said about us? Check out some of their stories below.
